It isn’t that you are lazy, you just aren’t inspired.

Hello Beautiful Souls! xo For today’s blog,I want to talk about procrastination. Is it actually a bad thing? or Is it your soul telling you something? I am a firm believer in every emotion meaning something, and I feel the exact same way about procrastination. Here’s the thing, When we really want something no oneContinue reading “It isn’t that you are lazy, you just aren’t inspired.”

3 ways to re-align trust with the universe and be present.

Hello beautiful souls and happy friday!! For todays blog I wasn’t sure what I wanted to write about, nothing was coming up for me. So I asked my guides what message to talk about, and I heard very clearly “Present moment”. Being present can be difficult, and is something I still am working on! ItContinue reading “3 ways to re-align trust with the universe and be present.”